About Us

We deliver scaled Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions and meticulous project management for clients and businesses.

For example for small and medium sized business (sometimes only one practictioner) we deliver;

1. an extremely secure operating environment.
2. 24/7 security with managed defence and response (MDR).
3. in person or remote support (via phone and email)
4. Email management and security
5. Internet security with new malicious URLs updated regularly

Reach out today, you will be surprised how affordable our IT and Cyber Security services are!



Our Approach to Security & Prevention

We stop threats by ensuring all the parts of your business that are most likely attacked are actively monitored 24/7. We start by securing your internet and then we secure your computers. This approach result in securing that means you can sleep easy at night.

Contact Us

0422 438 704

Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Monday-Friday: 9am – 5pm

Get Started

Call us or reach out by sending us a message today, you will be surprised how simple, easy and affordable our cyber security services are.