Secure, Easy & Affordable

Secure your computer(s) with best in class software, simple to install, unintrusive and affordable. 
We secure your business to Government standards and legislation.
We service clients Australia wide.

Secure Computer Configuration

Your computers are secured as to the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s recommendations.

Managed Email

We secure your email to ensure spam and other malicious attachments are blocked.

Update Management

We ensure your computers are protected from attacks through out-of-date vulnerable software.

Managed Defence and Response

Managed Defence and Response (MDR) monitors around the clock all your critical systems.

Managed Antivirus

We leverage world class experts to deliver superioir computer security.

Internet Filtering

Your internet is secured (with no reduction in speed) to ensure the pages your visit and the URLs you click are not malicious.


Security Services & Solutions

If needed, Airtight Security can secure your entire organisation, from firewall to the computers you and your staff use.
Our services include server management, backup management (including making sure the backups are working and can be used), firewall management, equipment purchase and installation.


Proactively Eliminate Vulnerabilities 

Our services monitor your computers, servers, routers, firewalls, WIFI, printers, etc. for vulnerabilities and out-of-date software.
Our active update schedule ensures your organisation is safe from known and unknown (zero-days) threats.

Contact Us

0422 438 704

Sunshine Coast, Queenland.

Monday-Friday: 9am – 5pm

Get Started

Call us or reach out by sending us a message today, you will be surprised how simple, easy and affordable our cyber security services are.